Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter, It's a Shame

Easter, the time of year that breeds confusion about Christianity. Like the rest of you (most likely), I grew up eating chocolate and searching for Easter eggs as well, but how does Christianity fit into this custom? Instead of writing about the Easter Bunny, I would like to clarify Christianity as simply as possible.

Why would someone want to become a Christian? Simple. The Bible explains that we have sinned against God and broken the relationship we had with our Creator. Our sin not only breaks our relationship with requires judgement.

Fortunately, God loves us passionately. The gospel is quite simple. Paul, in 1 Corinthians 15:14, explains that Jesus (1) died for our sins according to Scripture (or prophecy) for our sins, (2) He was buried, and (3) He rose from the grave three days later. This is the gospel clearly and simply.

Does reading the gospel account, or simply knowing about it, save you? What do we have to do if anything?

It isn't about going to church, doing good works, fill in the blank here. Getting right with God is simple and is explained in Ephesians 1:13, "In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel (see above) of you salvation--having also believed (this is the key part), you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise."

The key to becoming a Christian is simple--believe in Jesus. Place your trust and hope into Him. I am so glad I did about 15 years ago!

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