This number is so great I like to put things into perspective—
Two years ago in Haiti there were 92,000 deaths. Horrible. Since Roe v. Wade, 92,000 babies have been aborted every 22 days.
Last year in Japan there were approximately 20,000 deaths. Horrible. Since Roe v. Wade, 20,000 babies have been aborted every 5 days.
Let these numbers sink in… Every 22 days, for the last 39 years, we have aborted as many children as every person who died in the earthquake in Haiti. Every 5 days, for the last 39 years, we have aborted as many children as every person who died in the earthquake in Japan.
A few years ago I attended a doctoral seminar where a very powerful video on abortion was shown. I opted out for a number of reasons--primarily I didn't want to face the reality of what it was because of my own history. A few months after the fact, I decided I should watch it to see if it would affect me. It did. I encourage you, especially if you are pro-choice, to watch it (CLICK HERE).
The majority of Americans seem quite content living under an allusion that abortion is all about "women's rights" and claim many reasons to justify it. You may be included, I know I was--or at least that reason seemed reasonable enough. If this is you, I implore you to watch the posted video so that you gain understanding concerning the truth of abortion. Certainly if you are pro-choice you should have no problem seeing what you endorse.God used this seminar to shake me to my core. It culminated January 2008, as I found myself pastor of Valley Baptist Church and preaching every Sunday. The Sanctity of Human Life Sunday was fast approaching and I had to decide if I would comment on the issue.
Many factors seemed to be at play. First, I stumbled across a chapter in John Piper's book, "Brothers, We Are Not Professionals" that challenged pastors on this topic--me in particular. I felt like such a coward. Then, I realized that I was finishing First Timothy the Sunday before Sanctity of Human Life Sunday...what would I do? I had no excuses. Ultimately, I decided the right thing to do was to take a stand for the unborn and for those suffering with the scars of abortion. I would preach on the topic from a biblical vantage point. This was the hardest sermon I have ever preached. I came with great personal pain, anger, and sorrow. I have preached on this subject ever since without regrets.
In my heart I don't think that someone can remain "pro-choice" after viewing this posted video, yet I know that I am wrong because many people are involved in this "medical procedure" day in and day out and are not moved by their actions. Our conscience is truly seared concerning this subject.
There are a few things that I want to say specifically on this matter:
1. If you have been involved in abortion (both female and male), Jesus has paid the penalty for your sin. Forgiveness is available to you if you ask Him. Forgiveness and consequence are two separate matters. Once forgiven, I believe it can take many years to sort through the guilt, shame, and scars.
2. I believe aborted children are resting in the arms of God. They are safe with Him.
3. Concerning abortion today. This is murder. We must act to defend the lives of the innocent. I am not suggesting that we murder abortionist, but we must rise up and help the helpless through political means, supporting your local pro-life pregnancy clinic, reaching out to abort-intent women, along with caring for young single moms who decided to keep their kids.
To you apathetic Christian, I implore you to watch the video and ask yourself, "What does God think about this?" Do you say, "Personally, I would never do it. But, I could never tell someone else what to do." Really? Watch the video, then tell me that! Then I would encourage you to read Proverbs 24:11-12 and ask yourself, "How does this passage relate toward abortion?"
Please people, watch this video. Let it hurt. Let the tears flow. Be ignorant no more!