Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Growing as a Child, with my Children

A few weeks ago I began a new missionary book with my daughter Grace called Amy Carmichael: Rescuer of Precious Gems.  As we have been working through this book, I have been struck with thankfulness for the fruit I have seen in our lives from reading together.  Before my first child was born, I purposed in my heart to be their spiritual leader and to help them in their walk with the Lord.  Reading to them has been a great tool and I hope to encourage you as you seek to raise your children in the Lord.

Choose what you read wisely.  I don't just read anything to my children, but I carefully select what goes into their little minds and hearts.  We have multiple children's Bibles that I have read through to them.  As Grace got older, we detoured and started to read missionary books like this one about Amy Carmichael.  My aim in reading is to help us learn about God either through His Word, or through his hand in people's lives.  Christian biographies are a great way to discover how faith is lived out.

A great way for you to grow!  I don't know about you, but I wasn't raised in a Christian home.  I lacked a foundation of the Bible, nor did I have any clue about missionaries!  Reading through a children's Bible is a great way for you to develop an understanding of the overarching theme of the Bible.  You'll read all of the major stories and as you do this over and over again things will begin to come together in your mind.  Also, there are many great missionary books that are geared for children.  This is a great way to learn about some of these great people in Christian history.  As you read these easier books, you will probably discover someone that you want to learn more about.  Your children will grow spiritually and so will you!

You'll grow closer to your children.  I've heard it said that "quality time is found with quantity of time."  I agree with this totally, but I hope to provide quantity time with the Lord in hopes that my children will have memories of their "God ah-ha" moments with me there.  There is something intimate about reading the Bible and Christian biographies because they touch on deep subjects and we often find ourselves ending with prayer, or discussion about some significant spiritual truth.  I love that the kids are always calling for me around bedtime wanting to snuggle and to read.  I am confident I know my children and they know me better because of our time reading together.

Make if a priority!  There is nothing easy about the command found in Proverbs 22:6 to, "Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it."  It takes consistency and commitment from you.  There are many times when I simply don't feel like reading to them.  I'm busy and there is always something trying to distract me from them.  Now my second child is at the age where she enjoys being read to, but they are not as the same level so it requires two sessions on my part which requires even more time of mine.  The bottom line is I have made a commitment to train up my children in the way they should go so I carve out time for them even if I have to neglect other areas in my life.  I certainly don't want the song, "Cats in the Cradle" becoming a reality with me and my children.

Final Thoughts.  I guarantee your children will love you reading to them.  In doing so you will give your children great memories with you, you will help them learn about God, and you will grow!  We only have a children for a short while, make the most of this time you have with them.

Some recommended books:

The Trailblazer Series

Christian Heroes: Then and Now

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